Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Respect The Waiting Season

We need to accept the fact that life will always have its ups and downs. There is a season for ploughing, a season for planting, a season for waiting, and a season for harvesting.  There are some seasons that are more celebrated than others, like the harvesting season, and there are seasons that are looked down upon like the waiting season. However, if we looked deeper, we will see that all the seasons are equal in importance, for they all contribute towards the final outcome.

I'm speaking about this because currently I'm passing by a waiting season. I've ploughed my land, planted the seeds, and now I'm waiting. Unlike farming, in real life you don't really know how long you will be waiting, maybe a month, and maybe a year. You just need to have faith in the process. The other challenge is that you don't really know the outcome of the waiting, the crops might not turn out as you've expected. But again, it's all part of the process that needs to be respected and accepted.

So, how to deal with the waiting season? Is it just a matter of putting our lives on hold until something turns out? I believe it's a matter of perspectives. You can consider the waiting period as a preparation period as well, for the labor time will soon follow, and so you need to prepare yourself. I usually use this period for spiritual, emotional and mental growth, working on myself, my body as well. I use it as an investment time to further develop my knowledge, skills and strengthen my spiritual life. So, at least, I don't see it as wasted time, but a time most appreciated and used.

So, eventually, my two cents are, don't run away from the waiting season, or try to make it shorter or cry over it. Respect it. Respect the meaning behind it, and prepare yourself for what will be waiting for you afterwards.
