Friday, January 26, 2018

Guard your mindset

I've noticed lately that I was losing my joy in life, my ability to be satisfied and grateful. Although life has been treating me good lately, giving me everything I've been dreaming of, I wasn't able to enjoy that, to actually feel gratitude. I got stuck in this vicious circle of complaining-- complaining about life, the country, the stupidity of people around me, the futility of it all. As if nothing is enough, nothing is incomplete.

And yesterday, I felt I've had enough and decided to reflect on this. I noticed that my brain was rewired to repeat what everyone around me is saying every single day: life is crap. people are crap. This wave of darkness and hopeless worldview took strong hold of me and influenced my attitude towards life, those around me, and myself.

And now, I decided to rewire my brain back to my more natural worldview. The one that God gave me a long time ago-- one that believed in the beauty of life and creatures, in the inherent goodness of people despite the evil, in our strength as God's light in the world, that actions speak stronger than words.

I'll be more watchful of my mindset from now on. 

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