Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Connect to Your Spirit

I felt trapped in my body with restless mind..my body ached, my mind ached and I felt bored, distracted and unbalanced. These were all signs of being disconnected from my spirit, but how to get connected..?

It was by bringing the body and mind into stillness that the spirit gets into action, and this is what is known as meditation. It's a powerful practice that brings healing to the sick, rest to the weary and peace to the turbulent. There are many online platforms to learn about different techniques of meditation. I practice the dhammakaya meditation technique which is an approach to Buddhist meditation.

It is amazing how you feel when you get connected to your spirit. Suddenly all the problems that look so big feel so small. The tired body gets filled with life energy, and the restless mind feels so still, peaceful and happy.

It's also a powerful practice to get connected to God or a higher consciousness, to pray with your spirit instill of the ego controlled mind. It makes you feel strong and limitless.

So whenever you feel trapped in the physical world and feel burdened by problems and worries, close your eyes and stay still for as long as you can. And be patient, for it takes time to reap the benefits of meditation.


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